Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A new attitude..

yep..that's what I've got..I went over to the new Westside crib this morning, under the assumption that I was meeting the electricians. However, due to yesterday's storm, they had to shuffle me over to tomorrow. I'm not going to bitch. There are too many poor souls without power to complain. Still waiting to hear back from the plumbing company about converting/repairing my hot water heater to electric. Call me crazy, but I'm not all that cool with having a natural gas open flame in the crawl space of a 90 year old cottage.

I just re-colored my hair tonight. I went from an ash brunette to an espresso/cinnamon redhead. I spent some time and blew it out. I feel incredibly hot with my new hair. We'll see...I am currently reliving my college years by listening to Dreams So Real and Aztec Camera...I'm so post-modern..

Waiting on a delivery of Jamaican jerk wings. I'm hungry and they will be delicious.


1 comment:

January Girl said...

A brand new hair color is SO refreshing. :)