Friday, May 11, 2007

Why I will never leave the Deep South

I'm fairly sure that I will never take up residence anywhere other than the Deep South because of nights like tonight. I gotta, say it's one of those perfect nights here in the ATL. The temperature is around 76 degrees with humidity around 65%. The air is a little thick, but there is a heavy scent of honeysuckle, wisteria, and the new, blooming gardenia I just potted. It reminds me of those nights when I was a little kid in coastal Alabama (well, more the swamp than the coast, but very close) when I would sneak outside on these perfect nights in my nightgown and twirl around and around and around in my nightgown, with the grassflies swirling up around my feet and the fireflies were my very own pyrotechnics. Sometimes there would be heat lightning in the sky. A yankee once told me that there was no such thing as heat lightning, but he's a liar. I've seen it, felt the ions in the perfectly still southern air.

I hope there is heat lightning tonight.

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