Monday, April 16, 2007


Crapola...I know that I should be attempting the Holy Grail that is sleep right now, but I'm really wound up. Maybe it's the Co-cola I had with all my bourbon earlier at the Mass of the Little Sisters of our Lady of Perpetual Excess...but I just can't seem to muster the will to go to bed. It's sort of like a throw back to when I was a little kid and felt like if I went to bed, I might miss something. I'm fairly sure that I won't miss anything here in Poncey-Highlands..well, it is an early Monday morning..not many hookers out here right now... It's funny, the Significant Other has a truck call in about an hour and a half and I haven't even gone to bed yet. How many times have I been on the other end of the deal, where someone I know just got off work, is all wound up, yet I've got an early set call or an uber-early work call? I keep thinking of this time when I was working in Master Control at a Fox affiliate (it sounds soooo Star Trek) and it was Easter...I was presented with an Easter basket complete with MANY Cadbury was 2.30 in the morning..he was rushing home from work and I was rushing out the door late for work...How can one be late for work at 2.30 in the morning? ACCKKK!!! But I was late, and got reamed out that day by the other engineer for being shift was supposed to start at 2 AM.....that shit sucked....that's why I try not to work in broadcast television...that shit sucks..

Thank God and Baby Jesus I no longer work in broadcast TV,

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