Monday, June 30, 2008

I went all the way to Asia Minor..

Emily Saliers wrote "I went all the way to Paris, just to forget your name". I'm going all the way to central Asia just to, well, go....I'm up late because I need to get some things done, like, oh, well...packing. I'm ironing my wretchedly cute yellow plaid capri pants, cherry print skirt, etc. It's been a little difficult packing because, well, while Turkey is a democratic, secular country, the culture is inherently Muslim. That means that fashions are decidedly western in nature, however, sleeveless tops and short skirts are verboten. And if you know me, that means I'm having a difficult time here. And I have no idea how heavily tattooed women will be received, but I guess I'm about to find out. I am equipped to cover them if necessary. I even am in possession of a headscarf for the outer regions, and if you know me, that's probably frucking you out...

Question for you all. Am I the only bitch who packs Pringles, Pop Tarts, Baked Cheetos, and Caribou Coffee Bars to go to Istanbul? I figure it's a 5 hour bus ride from the Golden Horn to Bursa, and I might get hungry. One never knows what the magic bag might hold...Neosporin, Moleskin, a blanket, oh...look! a Pop Tart!

I have to say, as a sound guy, I'm fantasizing about the soundscape of Istanbul. To hear the roar of a European city mixed with the muezzins's call to prayer should be pretty exciting, to say the least. Then when we get further into the interior and the southeastern regions, I have absolutely NO idea what those places will sound like. I've never ever heard anyone speak Kurdish. I imagine that the coastal, resort cities will sound not unlike Panama City Beach, except in Turkce. I do have to say that I am looking forward to a day or two spent on the beach of the Turkish Mediterranean. I'm thinking I may run by Radio Shack and pick up a $50 mp3 usb recorder just because no one will believe what I've heard...Let me know if you guys have any ideas on models, etc...

I've also been reading a lot lately about Turkce food. Just damn! To think that tomatoes are as prevalent there as the deep south, meaning that I can get a 'mater sammich in Istanbul is blowing my mind! Believe it or not, they eat a 'mater sammich about the same way we do! Who wouldn't! Plus, think of all the meat on sticks! And the cheese and the bread puddings. I'm gonna come back 20 lbs heavier, except for the climbing and walking and whatnot. I may do an entire photo album on food you can stab.

We leave July 11th. I wish I could take many of you with me, because I have so many friends I would love to share this with..I am, however, going to try to blog while I'm there. I understand that internet cafes are plentiful in the larger towns, and most of my hotels have a business center. I doubt I be able to upload photos, but if my friend Matthew can blog from Kathmandu, then I'll probably have no trouble from Kusadasi.

I'll let you kids know how the packing is going later on in the week. We're flying Delta and damn if the summabitches aint knocked down the weight restrictions on internationals to 50 lbs. I may have to abandon some clothes in lieu of Cheezits and Jim Beam..Look on the bright can smoke ANYWHERE in Turkey. They've never even heard of a no smoking section! Yay me! I'm not, however, looking forward to 15 hours in the air with nothing but Nicorette, Jim Beam, and Xanax...

Love, peace, and hair grease...

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