Monday, May 12, 2008

We're done!

Shake at the Lake is done! As usual, it was a great show, a great experience, a great company, and a great time. I'll try and post some more pictures and video as the week goes on.

Our sound load out wasn't all that bad. The time from hands on dead cases to the truck pulling away back to the shop was just a little over an hour and half. Which probably means I'm gonna have a hell of a time de-prepping the rig on Tuesday and Wednesday (translation: it might be a mess). That's okay, though. When I left around 1.30, the electricians were almost finished loading their truck and seemed to be moving along well. The carpenters, however, were in less good shape. It seems they didn't have as many hands show up as they were expecting. I'm fairly dangerous with screwguns and such, so I wouldn't have been much help.

All in all, it was pretty great. I got to work with an awesome company, was able to participate in the creation of some excellent (and free!) theater, hung with some cool kids, spent some time outdoors, and was even able to exchange some banter with a someone I have a huge crush on (I can still barely talk to them...working on that..).

Viva la bohemia, viva la Shake at the Lake!

Until next time.

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