Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ghetto technology

In an episode of The Boondocks, Huey once described ghetto technology as "any device you can't hook up to a printer", therefore meaning that it was fairly useless. I tend to concur with him.

There are appropriate means of communication, depending upon what one has to say. I believe that it is okay to text message a note along the lines of "the movie is at 7.15, not 7.30" or "Will be 5 minutes late". It is not, however, appropriate to text someone with a message saying "I know I was supposed to be looking after your dog while you are on vacation, but he died". That one warrants a phone call.

Another lesson for the day is the difference between myspace/facebook inboxes and real email. The message center to your myspace or facebook account is NOT the same as your email account. Understand the difference. This is important. Especially if you are currently in the market for a new job. You should probably not tell a prospective employer to contact you by "hitting me up on facebook". Get an email account. Most are free. And DO NOT use the account that has the address sweetgeorgiapeach@hotmail or If you do, you are going to eventually fall into the category of "the unemployable".

Where all this ghetto communication gets complicated is in the realm of relationships. While it is okay to send a little note via text, it's really not alright to break up with someone by writing on their facebook wall. Unless you are 14, and in that case, are probably too young to have unlimited internet access anyway. It is also unacceptable to try to work out serious issues via text. Or over the phone, for that matter. Things of that nature are due a face to face conversation. Remember, nothing of any importance has ever been typed with thumbs, you can't text message break up, and myspace is not real email.

So, boys and girls, stop abusing technology. Get it right and use the right vehicle for your message.

1 comment:

whereismymind said...

Amen, sista. I do not text. I don't know how. I do not check my Facebook often, and I no longer even have Myspace. If I don't recieve a phone call or an actual email, I will not get your message... It drives me crazy!