Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A man's home is his castle..

Well, I know I've been neglectful of my little home on the internet,but I've been otherwise engaged. Since homeownership seems to be working so well for Paulie over at Inside the Perimeter, I thought I might try it for myself.

I've found a (not so) little craftsman bungalow over in Westview that I think needs my attention. And by attention, I mean a new roof and new wiring. Which are both a little more expensive than just simple attention. But damn. I'm getting the house for less than it costs me to feed my cats for a year. My cats eat a lot.


So it looks like grrlfriend will be leaving Poncey Highlands after 7 years here. I'll certainly miss the 24 hour food delivery. I don't think that exists in the West End. There is, however, a nice, new Kroger on Ralph David Abernathy. And neighbors that I know on Mathewson. I will be leaving the little hobbit hole basement apartment for a home of my own that is painted Florida State colors and is 90 years old.

I haven't had a home of my own since I left home 20 years ago. This is a big deal to me. I am 36. It's time.

Wish me luck, and if you like, send me money!


1 comment:

Paulie said...

When you are done with your new house do you want to come over and work on mine? I've been here ten years and as you know am fighting hard to get back into the old "fix it up" spirit I once had.

Best of luck!