Sunday, September 21, 2008

What the hell is wrong with me?

So I've been having these massive, mind numbing headaches lately, and instead of taking my sorry ass to the doctor, I've decided that WebMD is the best place to find out what's wrong with me. Ever seen this thing? You just click on the part of the body that feels bad, click on a description of the symptom, and the cyber-doc spits out possible diagnoses. Awesome! I'll never have to wait in a waiting room, reading issues of Golfer Weekly from 1986 again! Except that the my doc in a laptop isn't really all that specific. According to Web MD, I could be suffering from, and I quote, cluster headaches, insomnia, anemia, methamphetamine withdrawal, too much caffeine, schizophrenia, or an aneurysm. Great. That really narrows it down for me. And makes me feel so much better. I think I'll just go take some more Advil, follow it with a cup of bad coffee, and hope it keeps my potential schizophrenia at bay.

Well kids, one more show then a blessed day day off! Sunday IS the new Friday.

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